Coffee, the most consumed beverage on the planet next to water. In the last 10 years there has been a major shift in the business world. All the major CEO's of the restaurant industries are all heading towards one thing, its called coffee.
It all started with Starbucks when they were marketing their coffee in such away that people are willing to pay $5.00 a cup. It is said for every 7 cents it costs Starbucks to make coffee, they make $15 profit. Those are massive profit margins and you wonder why Starbucks has been opening more and more stores.
Companies like McDonald's wanted a piece of that pie so their major board members went to work to see how they can profit in the coffee business. After shifting most of their advertising dollars to coffee, they brought out their McCafe brand. Didn't you notice their commercials never cater towards their burgers or happy meals any more. They are pushing their McCafe brand and they started out with sampling their Coffee for free. This was genius because their McCafe brand makes more profits and revenue than their burgers.
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
The Secret Coffee War That Nobody Knows About
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7:45 am
Tips for Making Great Coffee
Coffee is one of the World's favorite beverages. There's nothing like a good cup of coffee and there's nothing worse than a bad cup of coffee. Here are some tips to help you make great coffee every time.
Tip 1: Grind it yourself. Freshly ground beans are fresher and more flavorful than any ground coffee that you could buy in the store, even the expensive stuff. Fresh grinding means great taste and full bodied aroma every time.
Tip 2: Start with quality beans. Don't just buy anything. Even un-ground coffee beans vary in quality. The quality has to do with where they were situated in the roaster at the time of roasting. No roaster heats absolutely evenly; therefore, some beans will be roasted more than others and some may be over roasted. The ones that don't "cook" properly are packaged and sold as cheaper brands.
Tip 3: Use quality equipment. A high quality coffee machine will make better coffee than the cheap eight dollar coffee maker for sale at the local discount store. The main difference is in how well the brewing basket seals and the way the hot water is sprayed into the coffee. Good quality coffee makers have a shower head above the brew basket, not just a hole or a few holes to let the water through.
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7:43 am
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Label: Tips for Making Great Coffee